This course overviews contemporary research on gender, ethnic and racial inequality, with special attention to labour market inequalities. We discuss the distinction between observed “gaps” and “discrimination” and show not all gaps reflect discriminatory behaviour. We then focus on the study of discrimination proper, with special attention to both theory and methods. Results of the work carried out at the Discrimination & Inequality Lab, including work in progress, will be presented and discussed.
Status: open in 2020
Mind the Gap 2022

Last updated on 03/27/2022
Note programme might change slightly as the course progresses
By Angelica Dass "Humanae"
Teaching arrangements
This is a tutorial-based course that combines instructor’s lectures with student-run sessions. Findings from the work carried out at the Discrimination & Inequality Lab (D-Lab), including work in progress, will also be presented and discussed in several sessions. Starred readings are compulsory for all students, as they form the basis for in-class discussions, upon which the success of this course crucially hinges. The course will last from 16 February to 11 May, 2022, unless rescheduling is needed. Students’ grades will be based exclusively on their active participation in class, including presentations and discussions (100%).
Trigger warning
The study of ethno-racial discrimination addresses topics, theories and evidence that might be potentially upsetting and emotionally challenging. Being upset by discrimination, racial prejudice, Islamophobia, etc. is perfectly normal. Yet if you feel too uncomfortable or find it especially difficult to participate in the in-class discussions because of the nature of the topics addressed, please do let the instructor know.