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This course overviews contemporary research on gender, ethnic and racial inequality, with special attention to labour market inequalities. We discuss the distinction between observed “gaps” and “discrimination” and show not all gaps reflect discriminatory behaviour. We then focus on the study of discrimination proper, with special attention to both theory and methods. Results of the work carried out at the Discrimination & Inequality Lab, including work in progress, will be presented and discussed.
Status: open in 2020
Mind the Gap 2022

Javier G. Polavieja
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Department of Social Sciences
Building 18, Office 18.2.C.03
C/Madrid 135, 28903 Getafe, Madrid, Spain
Tel: +(34) 91 624 8940
Javier Polavieja (Oxford University PhD in Sociology, 2001) is Banco Santander Professor of Sociology and Director of the Discrimination & Inequality Lab, the D-Lab, at the Department of Social Sciences, University Carlos III of Madrid. His main fields of research are social stratification, political sociology and migration research. His work has been published in leading international journals including, amongst others, the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, Social Forces, Socio-Economic Review, International Migration Review, Labour Economics, Political Behavior, Electoral Studies, Social Indicators Research, and International Migration, as well as in the leading Spanish academic journals in the social sciences. He has been the recipient of several awards, including the European Academy of Sociology Best Paper Award (2014), the Robert K. Merton Award in Analytical Sociology (2014) and the European Sociological Review Best Paper Award (2019). In 2015, he was appointed Fellow of the European Academy of Sociology.
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